You are your own individual. Your journey is yours to create. You have the power to carve your own path and most importantly, don't have to follow anyone else's predefined route but your own.
It took me a while to find the courage to take charge and do what felt right for myself. I used to feel an overwhelming sense of indebtedness to my teachers, mentors, and supporters. At times, I felt obligated to drop everything to attend to their needs, often prioritizing their smallest requests over my own. When I didn’t, I feared seeming ungrateful, and at times—they made me feel that way. Through reflection, I have come to realize several things:
1) Once I stopped bending over backwards for them, it was easy for them to find someone else. It’s a humbling thought, but you are replaceable.
2) It is okay to distance yourself from something or someone(s) when you no longer feel safe or connected.
3) Those mentors/teachers/supporters aren't malicious; they don't have ill intentions. However, it's okay to acknowledge when your paths no longer align.
4) You don’t owe anyone anything to the point of compromising your own needs.
5) You are neither a copy nor a replica of your mentor(s). You are not here to mimic their methods.
While I have a deep sense of gratitude for those who have helped me along the way, I choose to become my own teacher to my students. I make this promise to choose to embody a unique voice, both literally as a singer and figuratively as an educator, integrating diverse influences and experiences into my teaching and artistic expression. I promise to strive to inspire my students to find their authentic musical identities rather than conforming to traditional molds. I promise to empower others to embrace their own musical journeys with confidence and authenticity.
With Gratitude,